Monday, March 22, 2010

Things I think

Sometimes I have thoughts. Not particularly important thoughts, nor are they all that interesting most of the time. Sometimes when I'm thinking my thoughts I pause and think to myself.
"I should share this with someone, in case they one day find them self thinking the same thing, and if I've already thought it, there's no point in them going through the whole thought process too." and then I think about what I've just thought and I think in reply,
"well if people just borrow your thoughts then they won't have their own and then nothing will ever change." But of course that is ridiculous I think,
"people can't think my thoughts because in thinking about my thoughts they would be making new thoughts with their own thinking."
Sometimes all this thinking back and forth makes me tired and I don't feel like thinking anymore, so if you find yourself in that situation, or perhaps you can't think of anything to think, you can borrow some of mine if you like. But like I said, they're not very important, or interesting, they just are.

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