Sunday, March 28, 2010

We Could Be Heroes...

The other day a friend and I were looking at a list of phobias and pointing out the ones we thought applied to us. There was a few to say the least. And it got me thinking, we have all these intense aversions to irrational things, but we also have a lot of weird attractions to things, like the opposite of phobias. Which led me to a list of philias, hoping to balance things out a bit. Well, there were a few odd things that applied to each of us on that list, but mostly it was just more things we had phobias of. We came to the conclusion that we're probably not healthy people and will never be able to function as normal productive members of society on our own. I for one am going to need to make enough money to afford servants so that I don't have to live in my own filth and eat instant food. We thought about it, and decided the easiest way to make money with the littlest amount of effort is probably reality TV.

Yes, we're going to be stars. The basis of the show will be the two of us, having to do all the things we absolutely, irrationally hate doing. (We're probably going to have to drink to get through it, that will be our ticket onto Celeb Rehab with Dr. Drew (you don't have to be a celebrity you just have to have been on TV at some point)) People will watch it because A. other people suffering is funny, and B. it will make them feel better about themselves. We also thought the show will probably need an antagonist. We came up with a friend of ours who is the complete and total opposite as us. And people will tune in just to see her slut around each week. She will prove the things we dread doing are really quite easy and most normal people wouldn't think twice about it.

This is our ticket out of here, so if you know any TV execs looking for the next Intervention/Kenny vs. Spenny type show, let me know. I think it will be a great success. (I should know, I watch a lot of TV and this isn't half as dumb as most of it)

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